Sunday, July 18, 2010

Never say Never

This is my new motto. Things I said I would never do, but have done:

Eat sushi.

Wear heels with shorts.

Drink (I used to think I would drink only Sparkling apple juice at my wedding... now I know I'll have that glass of champagne).

Run for exercise.

Go au naturale in public.

Have more kids without a marriage certificate (yeah this one went out the window).

Swear... oh you bet your ass I swear now... the F bombs drop like, well bombs from my lips now (not really, mostly I swear when I am really really angry).

Yell at my kids (LOL, I have to Laugh Out Loud at this one).

Eat mushrooms... ewwww, aren't they are fungus : )

Go to Catholic church.

Weigh more than 135 pounds (this was the wake up call to get in shape).

Leave Boston (meeting Hubby changed that).

Let my kids watch more than 3 hours of TV a day (having 3 kids changed that LOL).

And a few things I'm not brave enough to admit to on the world wide web... but definitely fit in the category of things I said I would NEVER do but have done.

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