Friday, August 16, 2024

Where Did August Go?

 When I say the earth is on a super spin cycle,  that's not me making a joke or trying to be funny. Time is flying by so fast, it's a wonder we have enough hours in the day to get anything done.  This is what we've been up to so far, this August.

We celebrated Luna's 1st birthday on July 31st

Accompanied my daughter and her senior class to the University Expo at the Pedregal Event Center... it was very informative and fun

Attended a family birthday party... extended family we hadn't seen since before Covid and it wasca nice little family reunion

Took my niece and 10 year old to the Adventure X Trampoline park for a fun afternoon outing

Went to Sabana Park for a Sunday Funday style afternoon. The boys played basketball and my daughter and I joined a volleyball game which was so much fun. We also took the time for a nice stroll around the park as well

It was also my mother in laws birthday so of course, we had to celebrate her.

And last but not least,  so far, we celebrated Costa Rican mother's day.  Yes, I get to celebrate mother's day a second time. Color me blessed.  Hubby and I have a brunch planned so more on that in another blog, but August has been full of fun and it's not over yet. There is so much more to come,  so stayed tuned. 

Perfecting My Mac & Cheese

 For years I was too intimidated to make macaroni and cheese from scratch.  I thought it looked too complicated and I wasn't sure I was up to the task. But I'm finally conquering my fear and as it turns out, it's not that hard to make. However, the perfect Mac and cheese is an art and takes good technique and good ingredients. And each time I make it, my fourth time thus far, it gets better. 

 I've almost mastered the sauce but the flavor is spot on each and every time. Not to mention shredding my own cheese makes the world of a difference and us most definitely a game changer. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Another Celebration

 I love celebrations of any kind. Big or small, I'll be there for all the fun. When we got invited to a cousin's simple birthday gathering at a restaurant, of course I had to attend. And when the kids school invited families to celebrate Nicoya Day with breakfast and festivities,  I was there as well. A celebration I will not miss, if I can help it.