Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cheers To 11 Years!!

 My baby boy recently celebrated his 11th birthday and per his extremely last minute request, we hosted a simple party at home.

In years past, I'd become accustomed to having his birthday parties at event spaces that did most of the work for me. They would host, decorate, provide the food and entertainment. 

I loved not having much to. And that was a stark contrast to how I used to host parties when my kids were super young.

I'd stay up late finishing up all my DIY crafts or decor,  prepping the food and planning the timeline. I enjoyed every stressful minute, after seeing the end result and my vision come to life. But as my youngest got older and the budget got bigger, I decided to leave the diy parties behind. 

Not to say I'd never done event space parties before. I've had parties at the Children's Museum, a gymnastics center, a soccer arena, the movie theater and a national park. 

For the semi- diy to practically no diy involved parties, all I had to do was show up, with maybe a few personal touches. I love those parties. The originality of diy is lacking but I love the stress-free prep. 

I thought this year,  my youngest would continue with another event space party, maybe Chuck E Cheese, since we hadn't done that yet. But he surprised me by not wanting a party... until 2 days before his birthday. 

Scrambling last minute, I put together a simple little celebration at home, and with the help of his siblings,  the party was a success. But boy was I stressed at one point because true to my nature,  a simple affair is never simple.

I made three different main dishes plus a few sides and I had to have snacks for my guests to graze on. This party took me back to my diy party days, stress included and now I know why I stopped doing them. 

No matter how small, no matter how simple, at home diy parties bring a certain level of stress. It was a nice bit of nostalgia but I'll stick to a birthday trip, a birthday dinner or an all inclusive party from here on out. 

My Second Mother's Day Plus Fun Beach Trip

 I feel so blessed, a little spoiled maybe, but blessed non the less to be able to celebrate Mother's day twice. Since I didn't do much for the first Mother's day in May, I decided to celebrate big time for my second Mother's Day in August. 

I took myself and my youngest to brunch at the Hyatt Hotel and I also booked myself a massage and well needed Hydrofacial.  To say I felt like a new woman is the truth.  I felt so fresh, clean and relaxed. Having two Mother's days give me two chances to pamper myself in the luxurious way I deserve

The blessings continued with a impromptu family beach trip to Tamarindo Beach, Costa Rica. It was a chance for us treat my sister in law and her daughter, since they'd never been. 

Jewelry Organization Plus Fun Amusement Park Day

 I finally bought the necessary item I needed to organize all my jewelry in an orderly manner. Getting a jewelry box was so needed and such a game changer in how I store and organize my jewelry.  It's also made accessing my jewelry such so much easier too. 

Then we decided to go to the amusement park and that turned into such a fun day out. Parque Diversiones, Costa Rica's one and only amusement park, recently went through a face-lift and the new updates and renovations gave it the needed refresh. The food court looks amazing with fresh,  new decor,  more seating and a good variety of restaurants.  They also added a fun fairy fantasy inspired park, perfect for play and photos. And there's a fun, new water ride as well. It was such a great day that we can't wait to go back.