Tuesday, September 3, 2024

My Second Mother's Day Plus Fun Beach Trip

 I feel so blessed, a little spoiled maybe, but blessed non the less to be able to celebrate Mother's day twice. Since I didn't do much for the first Mother's day in May, I decided to celebrate big time for my second Mother's Day in August. 

I took myself and my youngest to brunch at the Hyatt Hotel and I also booked myself a massage and well needed Hydrofacial.  To say I felt like a new woman is the truth.  I felt so fresh, clean and relaxed. Having two Mother's days give me two chances to pamper myself in the luxurious way I deserve

The blessings continued with a impromptu family beach trip to Tamarindo Beach, Costa Rica. It was a chance for us treat my sister in law and her daughter, since they'd never been. 

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