Saturday, July 16, 2016

Trying To Lose It All

I had made a new years resolution with myself, sort of, to lose weight.  I missed how I looked before I got pregnant for the fourth time and wanted to get my body back.  But there was a big problem.  I had NO motivation.  I was in no mood to exercise.  And dieting is just not a part of my mentality.  So how was I going to lose the baby weight and then some?  Well, I got sick.

How did getting sick spark a weight loss journey you ask?  Well, I was sick and a little on the down side after my phone got stolen, so my appetite was not really at it's peak like it usually is.  So I lost a few pounds.  That was all the motivation I needed.  I knew I had to at least start eating more sensibly and cut back on all the late night snacking if I wanted to take this weight loss seriously.  If I could curb my appetite without feeling deprived, the weight would disappear without me even having to sweat, literally.

So I started eating more sensibly, less snacking.  And stopped eating after 7pm which, for me, is a big weight loss factor.  I was finally fitting into jeans I was not able to fit into for the last 3 years.  It felt good being able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear and actually look good in them.  I no longer had to 'hide'.  My stomach is flatter.  My thighs are slimmer.  My arms even look more sleek and toned.  Now, I know I will eventually have to start doing some sort of exercise a few days a week in order to stay on this path but for now, I am happy with the results from just eating better.

Hopefully I can keep this up, without going overboard.  I only need to be at around 130-135 to be happy and to fit all my clothes, with having to get a whole new wardrobe.  Anything less than that and I might start looking anorexic again.  That is why I am slowly building up to the exercise part of my weight loss journey.  Once I am happy with how my body is, and I am pretty happy right now, I can maybe start walking two days a week just to keep the weight off and to kick start a healthier lifestyle.  Eventually, I'll be my old self again with the confidence to boot.

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