Monday, June 11, 2018

Almost Time For A Break

It's now almost mid June, which means report cards have been issued and the kids have a 2 week break coming up at the end of the month.  Not sure what we will be doing on break but it will be a nice welcome from the hustle and bustle of the morning routine.  Another added bonus is that my nephews and my mom will be here to spend some time with us and to me, the more the merrier.

I foresee trips to the Children's Museum and the Amusement Park in our future.  As well as trips to the park and the mall (and a few other fun places).  While my nephews are here for the most part, my kids will be in school and will only have mainly weekends to spend with their cousins.  So I want to make the most of the 2 week vacation from school to soak up as much fun as we can.  I am a planner but this time around, I just want to live in the moment and see where each day takes us.  Who knows, it might even take us to the beach for a day!

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