Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Very Hard Life Lesson

 It's Sunday, May 21st, 2023.  Around 11 am in the morning. It's a bright and fairly sunny day. My daughter made plans to study at a local cafe with two of her classmates. She walked a route we've walked a million times. It's the route we drive every single day to take my youngest son to school. The cafe is literally across the street from my son's school so it's an area we know very well. 

On this particular day, I let my guard down and allowed my daughter to make the 12 minute walk to meet up with her friends. On this day, my daughter got robbed. 

Being robbed is such a traumatic experience for anyone but being robbed at 16 years old is the absolute worst. 

I'm a protective parent, maybe to a fault.  And this situation has made me even more on edge when it comes to protecting my offspring.  This has never happened to our family before. We've heard of other people's experiences and even watched from a distance helpless as a robbery took place, but it has never hit close to home as it did today.  Now I have to be extra diligent. I know I was the way I was for a reason. And now mama bear has been unleashed. Hawah help anyone who tries to F with my family again. 

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