Sunday, May 28, 2023

My Chemical Peel Experience

 I finally took the plunge and got a chemical peel to try to get rid of my stubborn dark spots and hyper-pigmentation. 

The peel I tried is the Cosmelan chemical peel, the treatment I was recommended when I went to my consultation back in January.

After 4 sessions of laser hair removal (I still have 4 more sessions left), I was finally able to start the chemical peel procedure that I had been anxiously waiting for.

Honestly,  I didn't do much research on Cosmelan until after I started treatment so I had no idea what to expect. The Cosmelan peel is basically a chemical " mud looking" mask that the aesthetician lathers all over your face. The mask is left on for 9 to 12 hours, in which time you wash it off using warm water. 

For the first couple of days, I had to avoid the sun and rigorous exercise (no sweating allowed). I also wasn't allowed to use any of my normal cleanses or creams, as they proved too harsh for my new skin.

I had to purchase a sensitive face cleanser, like Cetaphil. And I had to diligently apply my Melan recovery hydrating cream and sun screen multiple times a day, due to the extra dryness of my skin and added sensitivity due to my skin's top layer peeling off.

On day 4, I started the Cosmelan 2 treatment, a mud looking cream, similar to the mask, that I apply to my face three times a day. And this cream is potent, so I am only to apply a tiny bean size amount to the entirety of my face. I follow that with the recovery cream, which keeps my skin super hydrated plus the 130 spf sunscreen, which protects my skin from the sun's rays 

This is a 6 to 8 month long process so I know results won't come quickly. But I already see a difference in my skin and I only hope by the time I'm ready to walk that aisle for my renewal, my dark spots will be significantly reduced. That is the goal.

The day after the peel, my face red, tight and swollen 

A couple of days later, my skin started to peel and shed off

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