Monday, July 1, 2024

Another Fun School Event

 When I say I love presentation days at the kid's school, I'm not lying. It is such a fun experience to get the chance to watch the kid's present their projects to everyone and proudly show off all their hard work.

Let's see what the kid's presented:

*The Rome Colloseum 

*Artificial Tree Garden in Thailand 

*Windmills of Holland

*Home made Deoderant 

*London Tower Bridge 

*Greek Temple in Athens

*The Taj Mahal in India

*The Burje Al Jalab in Dubai

*Japanese Architecture 

*The Sydney Opera House

*Home made Deoderant 

*National Theater in Costa Rica

*Russian Cathedral

*The Eiffel Tower in France

*Asian Temple

*The Science of Plants and their Importance 

*Museum in China

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