Saturday, June 22, 2024

Feeling Defeated

 Costa Rica has so many beautiful positive benefits that I have loved, but there is a dark side to paradise that leaves me feeling frustrated. 

I recently had to deal with one such negative downside of living here, and it definitely made me feel like maybe the Tica lifestyle might not be for me in the long run. 

Due to some law, I needed to provide proof of income in order to keep my bank accounts. Not only does my bank have a detailed and documented money trail as to where all my money comes from, I was asked this exact question when I opened my accounts. 

As a stay at home mom, all my funds come from my husband,  who also has his accounts at the very same bank. But their documention wasn't enough, apparently, and they require a notarized certified document from an accountant. I literally have to pay to prove that my money comes from my husband in order to keep my accounts and bank cards active. And if I don't comply, the bank can block my cards and close my accounts.

Almost $300 later, the process just left me feeling defeated. Not only did hubby have to get a notarized letter from a lawyer stating that my money comes from him to handle all household and family bills but I had to also have an accountant certify my case. I had to figure out the approximate dollar amount I receive every month, as that was a major stipulation in the verification process. The fact the bank has all this information and still required me to pay money to prove this had me seeing red, orange and green. 

I hope I never have to deal with this process ever again but who knows, everyone wants a cut of your pie even if they don't deserve it. I see it as basically stealing our hard earned money. These laws make no sense for the average person. There is no way the amount of money I get every month is acquired illegally.  Banks are very meticulous.  There is no way they can't track your money to find the source. 

Making me pay almost 300 dollars just to keep my accounts is a form of legal blackmail and highway robbery, especially when they can see exactly where my money is coming from. And since hubby is a member of the same bank, the paper trail that leads to his account also can accurately track where all his money comes from as well. 

Why did we have to jump through hoops, waste our hard earned money that we needed for essentials for our family, just to make sure I have a bank account. Not only should this be illegal, this should be unheard of.  Costa Rica just pissed me off and left a nasty taste in mouth. 

They leave you with very little options. Either pay money you don't have or lose access to your accounts.  What is the average working human to do? We will never see those $300 dollars again. It's gone and what do we have to show for it, nothing.  Just the right to access my accounts, that's all.

 I wish I could have just letthem  close my accounts. That would have been the ultimate F you! But then, who loses in that situation? Not the bank and surely not anyone else who benefitted from my situation.  The only losers on both sides is us. We got bullied and paid the money. If we didn't,  I wouldn't have a bank account, accounts I use to pay bills, transfer funds and live a fuller life. So you see, we lost in either situation. The only winners are the legal scammers: the banks, the lawyers and the freaking accountants. Congratulations to them  for playing this game that we call life so well. They get ahead while the average person stays two steps behind, always.

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