Friday, August 12, 2016

Getting Rid Of Baby Stuff AGAIN!!

I hate to jinx myself and that is why it always takes me such a long time to get rid of all my baby gear.  But I figure it is about time since my baby will be turning 3 years old this month *sigh*.

Here we go again.  Another one grows up.  And it's so funny because I was pretty much done with having kids at baby number three and yet here we are with my 4th baby about to turn into a pre-schooler.  How the time does fly and fly and fly away.

So I am a tad bit superstitious and hate to think it.  But I am at the mid-set that as soon as I get rid of all my baby items (the high chair, the crib, the swing, the bouncy chair, etcetera), I am going to BOOM! Get pregnant again.  EVEN THOUGH I AM DONE with having babies.  I want no more kids.  But God always has other plans.  I just hope another child is not in the works for our already enormous family.  I am happy with 4 kids.  It took some adjusting but I have finally adjusted to being the mom of four and I could not be happier.  NO MORE CHILDREN.

So why am I so terrified to get rid of all the baby stuff???  No longer.  I have listed the last of it on Craigslist and am anxiously awaiting the phone calls.  Please random strangers come and buy my leftover baby items.  I will free up a lot of space in my house and make some money all at the same time.  Win Win!  But at the back of my mind I still wonder.  God forbid I sell it all and then "surprise, baby number 5!!!"  I would literally keel over and die.

I am happy my last baby (please be  my last baby) is growing up.  I have loved being a much needed mommy again to a baby and then toddler.  I like it even better being a mommy of a growing preschooler as my other three kids are off at school most of the day.  It feels nice having a little one around to keep me company.  And I love that I still have another 2 more years before I have a (semi) empty nest for real.  But I also look forward to what that day holds and what that time of our lives will be like.  Will I want another kid?  I HIGHLY doubt it.  This body is done having babies.  The baby making factory is CLOSED!  But I still cling to my baby all the same, no matter that he's almost 3 years old and pretty much a man at this point.

So off with the remnants of the rest of the baby stuff so I can let go and finally move on.  I hope!

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