Monday, June 17, 2019

A Day With Friends

Every mom knows the importance of friendships outside your immediate family.  And if you're a stay at home mom, you know the importance of taking the time to spend TIME with friends.  There are so many benefits to having good friends, people who just make you laugh and forget about your stresses.  People you can relax with and talk easily to.  People who just get you.  Some friendships mean more than others, go deeper than others.  But having friends, someone to hang with, can be a lifesaver to a mom's sanity.

My mommy friends and I don't see each other very often but we try to make the effort to get together a few times a year for coffee, tea and a few baked treats.  It's a time where we can just sit and talk for a couple of hours and catch up on our lives.  Last week, after a few missed opportunities to get together we finally gathered at my house for a coffee (well, in this case, tea) date.  We had a few scrumptious baked treats, sandwiches, and drinks.  With some of their kids in tow, it was a very delightful afternoon. 

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