Saturday, February 26, 2022

Dating My Husband Again

 We all know how important it is to keep the spark alive in a marriage. This becomes even more important the older your kids get and the closer spouses get to becoming empty nesters. What do you do when all your children have grown up and gone on to live their own lives? If you don't find the time to stay connected now while your kids are home, you will find yourselves at a disconnect once the kids have left.

Now that all four of our kids are in school full time, we get a taste of what it's like not having our kids at home. What better use of this time than to start dating my hubby again. Quality time together is pretty rare. He's always working and I always have something I have to do. But while the kids are at school, we can carve out a few hours to spend together and a few hours is all it really takes to ignite that spark and keep the love going strong. 

Recently we took some time to go on a breakfast date, something we'd actually not done before and it was nice. Just the two of us having breakfast together never happens at home, so the whole experience left me wanting more

That same week, we went out to lunch. We don't always need to go out and food doesn't always have to be involved but it was nice being out and about during the day time without kids.

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