Monday, February 20, 2023

Let's Celebrate Valentine's Day

 After over 24 years of being together, Valentine's Day doesn't really spark the same vibes like it does for new couples. It's definitely not just another day, as I'll take any chance to celebrate romance. But we don't celebrate in the typical way anymore.I don't need chocolates, as I buy myself my favorite treats all the time. I don't want flowers either. I'm not a flowers kind of girl to begin with plus they die so soon after. Waste of money to be honest

I'm more practical, I guess. Take me out to dinner, fill my belly and I am a happy girl. It's not the most romantic way to celebrate but being with the person I love and choose to spend the rest of my days with is romance enough. Plus, I like getting the kids in on the action and celebrating the day with them. It's a day to celebrate love in all forms with everyon, kids included. 

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