Monday, February 17, 2025

Love Me More

 Valentine's Day isn't the biggest holiday but Costa Ricans sure know how to do it big. With a plethora of Valentine activities to choose from, including dinner and dancing at one of the many hotels and live romantic concerts and fine dining at a variety of restaurants, the list of what to do and where to go on lovers day was abundant.

Hubby and I decided on the Indian buffet, a safe but delicious choice.  With a wide variety of Indian dishes to choose from, as many times as our stomachs could tolerate and a glass of wine, it was the perfect Valentine's Day date night. There was even a live violin player to set the mood.

My daughter and her best friend tagged along and we treated them to sushi and drinks at the Japanese restaurant next door, to which they won $100 gift card giveaway. 

The celebration wasn't over,  however, as we extended our Valentine celebrations to the next day, where my daughter and her friend treated me to dinner with their gift card. Of coarse, hubby came along. Italian is one of his favorite meals.

Valentine's turned into a three day affair, unintentionally because on Sunday, we headed to the mall for a love and friendship day celebration decorating cupcakes.

I had a lot more fun decorating than I thought I would. I even participated in one of the activities, a dance off contest with two other pairs. While my daughter and I didn't win the $100 grand prize,  we still had so much fun.

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