Friday, April 14, 2017

Only Two More Days

Wow!  How did the time fly so fast?  One minute, the kids are just about to start their Easter break vacation.  The next mimute, they are saddling up to return back to school.  Why does the time seem to be speeding by in the blink of an eye!

I am excited that we're that much closer to Easter; the egg hunt, the baskets filled with goodies, the wonderful brunch.  I am really looking forward to Sunday.  But that just means that it'll be back to school for the kiddos and back to the same old for me.

I don't mean to be a negative Nancy.  I can't really complain too much about my daily routine.  I have a pretty decent life as far as lives go, so I am grateful.  But I do find that I am not as gung-ho about the kids' school this year because of the time difference and the many changes that seem to be occurring on the daily.  Plus, as much as I love taking them to school everyday, the constant going to and from multiple times a day makes me wish even more for school vacation.

I am just going to take it one day at a time.  I am not going to worry about how many days are left until Monday.  I will not count down the days until July, which is when the kids get a 2 week mid year vacation.  I will live in the moment and enjoy today.  And when Sunday comes, I won't dread it as the day before school starts.  I will embrace it for what it is:  Easter Sunday, a day filled with fun for my family to enjoy.

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