Sunday, April 8, 2018

Keeping My Own Peace

With everything that is happening in the world around me, it's a wonder how I keep my sanity especially having to deal with the thought of keeping my family safe as a mother.  I worry, constantly, about my family's safety.  I think about worst case scenarios all the time.  I see what's going on in the news and online; robberies, shootings, rape, kidnappings, even natural disasters.  No one is 100 percent safe from the world.

To keep my own peace of mind and prevent me from going crazy with "what if's" and wild thoughts, I have to put my trust in a higher power and believe that things will be alright for my family.  I live in my own little world, where things aren't so crazy and nothing bad happens.  I am not delusional but it keeps me from crying myself to sleep at night thinking about what can go wrong on a daily basis.

I see accidents all the time and sometimes I hear of what happens to someone who has been in an accident.  Sometimes they don't make it home to their mom or their wife or their kids.  It is a worrisome world we live in.  A dangerous world.  But if I dwell on the negativity and keep thinking of all the possibilities of what can go wrong, I would never be able to live my life, a full life.  A life full of hope, happiness, freedom. 

I want to be carefree, at least some of the time.  I don't want to have to think of all the bad things going on around me. And I definitely don't want my kids thinking about all the bad things either.  So I keep them in a positive mindset as well.  It's no wonder I hype up holidays and birthdays.  It gives us all a reason to celebrate, because with life as it is we need celebrations we can look forward to to keep us positive.  It also helps that I rarely actually watch the news or have newspapers lying around.  My mind can't handle the day to day of all that goes on in this world so I keep my news intake to a minimum.  It all still seeps through one way or another but at least I try to control how much of the awful and terrible stories I see or read on a daily basis. 

Keeping life happy is what I am all about, even if that makes me a little disconnected I am ok with that.  My sanity comes first.

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