Saturday, April 11, 2020

Feeling Caged

I need to rant, so let me be very clear.  I love being at home.  I am a homebody at heart.  I have no qualms about staying home and being with my family.  I am not complaining about having to stay home.  What I am upset about is feeling like I am a caged animal, denied my very basic right of making my own decisions.

Costa Rica has taken the Corona pandemic to new extremes and has taken away people's driving priveledges for an undetermined amount of time.  I can live with certain restrictions, like only  being allowed just two days out of the week to drive.  But six whole days without being on the road is a bit much.  It's not even that I have to be on the road or even that I need to be on the road. But if I WANTED to be on the road and head out somewhere to make a few purchases, I am denied that right.

No more quick trips to the gorcery store.  And seeing that supermarkets are the only stores that are open right now, along with banks and pharmacies, that is the only place I would be going.  We can't go to the mall or a deparment store. It's not like we are out here living our best lives, chilling out in the streets. For the most part, families are home and staying off the roads.  So why the restrictions? We have nowhere to go!  The big government took away the right to shop, to go out to eat, to do anything recreational.  Now we can't drive.  It makes no sense and I am irritated.

I really just want life to go back to normal and soon.  I have enjoyed our time home and the kids' time off from traditional schooling.  But this caged up lifestlye has to stop. Give me the freedom to do what I please. If I have to stay home, I will.  But if the mood strikes and I want to head out in my car to the great outdoors, let me.  I need to be my own person. I need to be free.

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