Saturday, August 6, 2022

Happy August

 It's nearing holiday season and my mind is officially blown. Yes, I said it. It is that time of year to start prepping for the holidays. 

With the price of everything these days, it's never too early to start planning. And for me,  that means come September, my mind will be switched on to full holiday mode.

We have Halloween, which really isn't technically a holiday but let's just count it anyway because Thanksgiving isn't that far behind after that. 

And then we have the biggest holiday of all, Christmas. So yeah, it's officially the holiday season and I need to switch my brain to holiday mode pretty soon if I want to be ready.

However, I don't want to rush the seasons so first,  let's enjoy August and everything it has to offer.

First up, we took a random trip to the Amusement park and had one of the best days out ever.

Then we went on a family outing to the mega massive Ciudad Manga store. What an impressive place to just browse. I also got a ton of ideas for Christmas gifts for the kids. 

After our trip to the store, we headed to the mall for dinner, me and all four of my kids.

To top off the week, my daughter participated in a pure fashion event, which included a workshot and fashion show. 

August is proving to be a very good month so far.

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