Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Not Kidding

So Boobie got in trouble AGAIN!

What did he do this time, Oh lets see:

The other day I re-organized and rearranged Princess and Fatty's room. After seeing what I had done, Boobie decided it was time for a change in his room too and asked it I could help him re organize and rearrange his bedroom as well. I love a house project, when it comes to decorating and organizing so of course I said 'yes'.

Almost through with our endeavor, I start tackling his closet (the one with shelves). I see there are a bunch of folded up papers in one of the boxes so I asked him what they are. He responds with an "I don't know". I know I'd see the papers before but somehow they seemed to have multiplied since seeing them last and I know they weren't there when we organized his room back in January, so I decided to sort through them.

You would not guess what those papers turned out to be? Exams and homework papers!!! Yes missing homework that he neglected, no purposely, did not do and all his exams from the second trimester that he told me he hadn't gotten back yet.

I thought the teacher was being cheeky when she kept saying how Boobie failed to do yet another homework, yet he didn't bring home any. How can he do homework if he doesn't have the information required to do it? When I asked Boobie, he said she didn't give him the paper or he lost the paper or he didn't know what homework we were talking about.

Also all his exams were horrible. He failed every single one. From 60's all the way down to 40's. When I asked him why he didn't show me, he said "I was afraid to get in trouble". Well, by hiding them and lying about it, he got himself in even more trouble than if he had just come to me and told me the truth. Plus there is no reason for him failing those exams. He knows the subject matter or should by now... it's the 3rd trimester for heavens sakes! But guess it didn't help that he was not doing the homework or utilizing the study guides the teachers sent home, all of which he also hid in his closet. As if I would not find out eventually. Kids!

So what did I do? Well, for starters I have to say I am proud of how I handled the situation. A potential situation for explosion of tempers, I remained calm, cool and collected. I did not yell or shout. I did not get angry (even though I was, I was more disappointed). I did not hit. And in part, due to my very cool demeanor, Boobie started crying as I laid out his punishment, all in a very controlled and calm voice. I know he felt bad, that he let me down once again.

I informed him of his extra duties; added chores that he must perform within the household from now on until I deem it OK for him to be excused from such chores. For example, he must dust the whole house (furniture, walls, doors, etc), clean his bathroom (toilets, sinks, shower), and anything else I need help with.

He is also forbidden from playing outdoors (no bike riding, no hanging with friends, etc), no TV, computer or video game time. No parties. No play dates. No fun. For a month or until I see his behavior and school work improve.

Bad behavior must be nipped in the bud and I am sick of this behavior from Boobie. It calls for tough love and tougher discipline measures. I know it seems harsh, especially to Hubby, but how else will he learn. Hopefully next time, he'll think twice before being sneaky and lying about it. I hope he remembers this punishment and thinks before he acts (negatively)!

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