Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Schoolin' We Will Go....

This year, I decided NOT to put Princess back in pre-school.  Not because she didn't love school because she did.  But I had so many issues with her waking up in the mornings, I just didn't think it was worth the hassle this year.  After all, she has a whole life of schooling ahead of her and waking up early is just something she will have to deal with eventually.  For now, I want her to enjoy her childhood without the pressure of strict routines.  However, I felt I had to do something educational with her, since she loves learning so much.

With the cost of private school education going up and public schools leaving much to be desired, I decided to home-school.  After all, how hard could it be?  I would be homeschooling on a preschool level, which would entail basics like, colors, letters, numbers, shapes, etc.  I could do that and more.  Also, while keeping Princess on a high educational level until she's ready to go off to 'real' school, I would also be able to bring Fatty (JC) up to preschool readiness. 

Initially, it was not fun.  JC was not into school at all.  And Princess was getting bored waiting for JC to reach her level.  But after the first week, school got better and much more fun for both kids and myself.  Armed with my laptop, pencils, paper, crayons and other school materials, we've made serious progress.  Not only did Princess learn to sing her ABC's, but she recognizes letters and can spell certain words.  JC is also singing his ABC's, learning his colors and shapes, counting and much more.  I am so proud of my babies.

Along with home-school, both kids attend playgroup once a week.  Although it's a younger age group than what Princess is used to, she is flourishing.  She learned her left from her right and looks forward to playgroup each week, along with JC. 

Learning to use the computer

Playing memory

Singing their ABC's


Learning is FUN!

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