Monday, May 30, 2022

Oh What A Time!!

 My trip to Boston was so much fun. First up  my sister's graduation. 

Being able to attend my baby sister's graduation from college actually meant more to me than I thought it would. It was a momentous occasion and a wonderful achievement for her and I am so glad I was there to not only witness it but to share in her special moment as well.

Next up, mom's 60th birthday party.  I never thought this day would come but it did. A day to celebrate my mom, to show her just how wonderful and special she is and how much she means to us.

It was the first time ever that my mom had all six of her children in the same place for her birthday. It was truly a spectacular event for such a special occasion. 

To say I had a time of my life is putting it simply.  I enjoyed myself immensely. All the planning and travel was worth it. Happy birthday mommy, we love you.

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