Tuesday, August 13, 2013

37 Weeks and Baby Is Full Term

At any time now, Baby A can decide to come and everything will be OK, as according to the doctor, he is now full term and in position. I do hope he decides not to evacuate the uterus as yet as I still need time to get a few things together and yes, I am not mentally ready either for the pain that is inevitable.

I had another appointment yesterday and was checked for my blood pressure, weight and baby's heart beat. She also measured my belly.  Everything is fine, except for my weight which is increasing upwards at an alarming rate.  I have gained another 6 or so pounds in just 2 weeks.  I have never been this heavy and my body feels it... the pain I have now is exacerbated by the fact that my body is carrying around so much more poundage than it can handle.  I am not too worried though as I only have 3 or so weeks left to go.

Also, due to the fact that I've been having contractions with increasing pain of late, the doctor wanted to check my cervix just to see what progress I was making.  I was happy to hear that my cervix is still closed and has not dilated as of yet.

Usually in Costa Rica, pre-natal appointments are only once a month but I went in again after just 2 weeks because the doctor wanted to check my lab results to make sure the infection I had was gone.  Happy to report it is and I am now infection free.  I have to go back in a week so she can check my blood and iron count to make sure I am still not too anemic.  I will have another update then.

Now I have to get legal issues squared away, i.e., insurance.  I went yesterday to the public clinic with Hubby so we could register in the CAJA (Costa Rica's public insurance).  In order to register though, I have to be seen by one of their doctors, so I have an appointment tomorrow and I have to say, I am NOT looking forward to it.  There is a reason I avoid the public clinics as much as I possibly can... we shall see how things go tomorrow but I am hoping I am in and out as quickly as possible.

As for this pregnancy, as much as I dreaded it at first, I am sad in a way that it is almost over.  I wish I was more prepared mostly.  But I have enjoyed being pregnant of late despite the pain and other not so great things that come with pregnancy (like watery mouth at night that leads me to drool while I sleep, shortness of breath, really bad after-taste in my mouth after EVERY single meal.. I have to have gum or candy to help with the taste, etc).  All that will be over soon enough and to be honest, I am not sure if I am all that ready to have a new baby in the house yet.  No more sleeping when I want.  More hectic life.  Less ME time.  But I am trying to get my mind ready for the baby.  After all, babies are cute, right?  They cry, yes, but they are cute and newborns for the most part, sleep a LOT, so it's not like I'll be bombarded right away.  I am just going to try and enjoy the last few weeks and take it one day at a time.  Here's to hoping I'll be ready once baby is.

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