Look at those beautiful blue skies........ *sigh*
After doing a bunch of chores and visiting my pregnant friend to drop off a baby gift, I came back home with the kids and made lunch. Then I decided to play with them outside for a bit. It was the first time in along time we just played together and outside too. The sun was hot but just right and it was a perfectly serene day. As the day wore on, it just kept getting nicer and more beautiful.
Princess did her usual somersaults in the grass as Fatty and I watched. Then we headed over to the swing set where I pushed them both. Eventually though, and I think it's because he had such a full active day, Fatty fell asleep ON the swing. LOL. A day well spent I say....
Oh and while I'm blogging, take a look at the Christmas shower curtain mother in law made for me
Nice, huh? She's been hard at work sewing from here until eternity for just about everybody I know... from my sister in law to her sister in law, to her grand kids (all 6 of them ) to her other daughter in law. She's been making all types of stuff, from Christmas table cloths to pajamas, etc, etc, etc. She is one busy lady... I hope she has time to make Princess's Christmas dress.
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