Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shower Issues

I have been having issues with the shower heads in both bathrooms since day one. When we moved into this house, the shower in the kid's bathroom was not working... no hot water. We've since had both shower heads fixed numerous times... NUMEROUS!

Again the showers don't work. The kid's bathroom has not had any hot water for MONTHS now so everyone uses the 'master bath'... again master is used lightly... you've seen my bathroom. Nothing 'master' about it. LOL.

The master bath barely works and is on the fritz too. For some reason, the water barely gets hot. You need to turn it on many times in order to get it to a luke-warm temperature. It shuts off by itself often, especially if it gets hot, like it refuses to oblige you with nice warm water. There is a weird guttural noise that happens sometimes, coming from inside the pipes that I have no idea what it is. Taking a shower can be so frustrating.

Even more frustrating is trying to get a service guy out to fix the problem. One guy came a few months ago, but when he called, he got my name wrong and my father in law told him he had the wrong number. Since that time, I have had 3 others flake on me. Hubby's own cousin has told me he'll be here to fix the showers and he lives literally a few feet from my house. He never showed up.

Finally I called a guy yesterday and to my surprise he showed up. After he took a look at my shower heads, I got the bad news. The shower head in the kid's bathroom is fried and needs replacing completely. The one in my bathroom is about to be fried. At any minute now, the guy said, it could go, so that needs replacing too.

Two shower heads: c20.000 colones. Ugh!!!

On to more bad news. The problems don't really lie with the shower heads like I thought. The main problem is coming from the cables. Apparently the cables being used aren't strong enough and that is why they burn out, and in response burn out the shower heads too. So I need to buy new cables.

52 meters of cables: c36.400 colones. YIKES!

And then I have to pay the service guy for all his hard work. Luckily he's cheap!

Service guy: c20.000 colones. Sigh!

Yeah, I just wanted my shower heads fixed, now I have a slew of problems to deal with. Hopefully though, with the new, stronger cables, I won't have to fix the showers for a LOOOOOONG time to come. I have been fixing the showers in my house every year since 06.

The service guy will be back tomorrow and we should have both showers up and working well by the afternoon.

I cannot wait to give this whole house an overhaul. It sure needs it.

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