Thursday, August 27, 2009


Boobie is getting braces. It is going to be a long process, but in a month he'll get actual braces put on four of his front teeth to start spacing them together (they will wait for all his adult teeth to come in to fill his whole mouth with the metal stuff).

It started with a spider like metal 'thing' to space his teeth apart to make room for his adult teeth. He got a few teeth pulled and his cross bite was fixed.

Now that the process is getting closer to him having actual braces, I am so excited for him. And, I have to admit, just a bit jealous. He's so lucky. I want braces too! As a matter of fact, when I was in middle school, it was on my wish list... one of my new years resolutions was to get braces.

I have an under-bite... it makes my bottom lip jut out just so and my bottom row of teeth do not line up with the top row, it actually crosses OVER them. It doesn't bother me to eat or anything like that. But it feels weird to put my teeth together when I smile.

Boobie's orthodontist gave me some brochures on braces, one of them explaining invisalign, which I have always wanted. They are clear plastic looking braces that resemble a retainer... unlike standard braces, you can remove them to eat and brush your teeth but they must be worn 24 hours a day. I know they are expensive but maybe I could do a payment plan. It's definitely something to think about, as I have always wanted perfect teeth.

I know I will have to get some dental work done first though and I HATE the dentist. I haven't been to the dentist in, oh, I've now lost count, a number of years. I fear going because I am just a little embarrassed. And I fear going because I dread the pain (it's funny how when we're younger, like Princess, a dental trip can be fun but as we get older, dentists start to scare the living shit out of us).

I know I need a thorough cleaning, cavities filled (my old ones need re-filling) and I could use a few extractions as well. I hope no root canals though, as I heard those things are a bitch. With the amount of work I need done, it scares me, not just the pain but the price.

I guess it can't hurt to go for a free dental checkup and have the expert tell me what exactly I need, then I can go from there (no sense in scaring myself silly with thoughts of what I think I need done). It might not even be as bad as I imagine. I mean I do brush and floss daily (95% of the time).

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