Well, I knew this day would come and I longed for it. He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on EVERYTHING! The little booger is so troublesome now, it's actually hilarious how defiant he has become. He can get around on his own now (though he still loves the arms of his mommy), so he thinks he is his own man.
He prefers monopoly. He pulls on the cart I keep the games in and pulls down the monopoly game, even after I repeatedly hand him Memory. I guess Memory is too 'juvenile' for him. LOL.
He pulls out all the National Geographic books off their shelves, making a huge mess, pulling, pushing and even ripping a few in the process. I say no, and he looks at me with that debonaire smile of his and goes about ignoring me.
It's enough to make me scream or laugh... and the best thing I can do is remove him from the situation, to which he will just crawl back into or let him be and whip out my camera.
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