Monday, September 21, 2009

Days Like These

Days like these call for outdoor fun, with a camera in hand to document the wonder of it all. It's about all you can do. When the sun is so hot, yet the day is still cool, forget sitting in front of the television. You have to get outside. And don't forget to take pictures.

And down she goes

And up she goes

Excuse me... me first!

Wanna go up Fatty?


Gotta get up first though

Can I get a hand...


What a view, a swing-set view


Here I go...

Take MY picture

This is a September day in Costa Rica. Feels like a June day in Boston.

It is unusual weather for here, when this time of year is full of rain storms and flooding (usually it rains in the afternoon to late evening though... and lots of rain. So far, we've been lucky... it's been on the light side, barring a few days of torrential rains last week, but overall a great start to winter so far.)

But we're enjoying days like these to the fullest. Soaking it all up before we get hit with true winter, Costa Rican style.

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