It was his first Christmas program/school event of this kind since we've lived here, so I was pretty excited and took tons of pictures and some video. The last time Boobie participated in a similar activity was in kindergarten (he played Chief Massasoit in a Thanksgiving Special).
I was told to have Boobie dress as Joseph (you know, Jesus's earthly father; Mary's supposed 'baby daddy'). I was pretty stoked. But I was at a loss at what to do about a costume. Thankfully, I have my Christmas Carols CD and took the picture from the cover of the 2 kids dressed as Mary and Joseph as inspiration (thanks Boobie, he's the one that pointed that out to me).
I figured, going off the picture, that I could have Boobie wear my red robe and then improvise on the rest of the garb. Big fat NO on that idea. Thank goodness mother in law came to my rescue and within no time flat, whipped up a Joseph costume so good, Boobie actually looked like he stepped out of one of Da Vinci's paintings.
The Christmas program was great. I enjoyed every minute of it (I'm a mom, of course I did).
Here are a few pictures to delight your eyes.
(Check out some of the costumes... some of these parents went ALL out.... geez).
Good job guys. Well done!
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