I decided to have us make a couple of crafts, some for the table and some for decoration. The first craft was the most difficult, painted hand print paper plate turkeys, so I wanted to get that out the way first. Dealing with paint and kids can be messy, but it wasn't so bad. Actually, it was pretty quick, fairly easy and absolutely painless.
Getting their hands painted... Fatty is off to the left with Hubby but I didn't get a picture of him as he is the hardest to paint with so I had to be quick.
Princess's hand print
Boobie's hand print
All 3 painted turkey hand prints, ready to be hung.
Next, Boobie and I moved on to the paper cup turkey we would each make. This craft was a little more involved (meaning a little harder) so I had the little ones sit out on this one. Boobie made one turkey and I made another. These will grace the table come Thanksgiving day.
Putting the finishing touches on the 'turkeys'
All done and ready for the table
The last craft we (read: me) did on Sunday were the the pumpkin napkin rings. Boobie helped out at first, then lost interest and went to play and watch TV. I finished up this task alone, but it wasn't hard so I didn't complain. They came out pretty cute too.
Cut out pumpkins for the napkin rings
napkin rings, all finished
What they'll look like come turkey day set at the dinner table.
All ready for Thanksgiving now.....
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