2 medium pizzas, 1 order of 2 round garlic breads, a pitcher of Horchata
Pizza face
Ball Pit
Climbing up high
Playing alone
Playing together
Enjoying life!
Running away... typical Princess.
The kids needed an outing.... and not just to the grocery store. Today presented itself to be a perfect day for a family outing (well, minus Hubby since he was at work).
The day started out cold and drizzly, but it soon warmed up with bountiful blue skies, wispy white clouds and a warm sun. Boobie had a half day at school due to 'the mini-Olympics. Plus, he received rave reviews from his teacher. Yes! FINALLY! Boobie was working in class and behaving himself at long last. He deserved a treat, don't you agree.
So after the mini-Olympics, and a well needed nap (for both Fatty and myself), we bundled up (it had turned just a tab bit chilly again) and headed out to Nova Centro to 2x1 Pizza.
This pizza place is pretty cool and Boobie had been wanting to go there and play for some time... we'd been before but never actually stayed any length of time.
As I placed our order for pizzas and an order of garlic bread, the kids played in the play space. It was an enjoyable time.... no tantrums, no yelling, no fighting.
The prices at this place are ridiculous, in a good way. My order was for 2 medium pizzas, which came with a pitcher of your choice of a natural drink (I chose Horchata). I also got to pick any topping I wanted for the pizzas for just c5.000 or roughly $8.62. The order of bread sticks were 2 round and nicely toasted 'pan de ajo' that was just a mere c600, just over a dollar. You cannot beat their prices. And their pizza isn't half bad either. Not gourmet, but still some good eats.
I ordered cheese for the kids and Tex Mex for myself (ground beef and jalapenos and onions). The Horchata was a tad too sweet but still good, and the place was virtually vacant so we had it pretty much all to ourselves, which was nice.
After lunch, we headed over to Mas x Menos and browsed the toy and Christmas sections. Boobie, for all his hard work trying to make amends in school, was rewarded with a toy, while I treated myself to a nice decorative Christmas votive holder and potato peeler.
Outings like these, simple yet fun, are what it's all about. No in depth planning, just a day where we hop in a taxi and head out for some good food and a little shopping.
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