Well, I was proud of my jog. It was the first time I had jogged without stopping while jogging with the stroller. I mean, I stopped maybe twice but not stopping really until I hit 'heartbreak hill' and just had to give my legs a break. After I started up again, on the stretch home, Princess woke up crying because she had lost her shoe. *Sigh*
I couldn't believe it. I hadn't even noticed when she lost the shoe. I tried to re-trace my steps but I decided I would go back over my tracks on my way to drop Boobie off at swim practice.
Well, I walked back the way I jogged that afternoon and no shoe. My legs and feet were so tired, but I searched in hope yet in vain.
I was aching and I was so disappointed, I just about cried. But I had to remind myself that it was only a shoe so I wouldn't lose it. Who in their right mind, I kept thinking to myself, would take one shoe? I honestly thought I would have found it... but, alas, I did not. It really put a dark spot on my otherwise good day.
I wonder now, if I should have just missed my jog. Would it really have been so terrible. I could have made it up today... but I just didn't want to. If I hadn't gone jogging, I would have Princess's shoe now.... and they were nice ones too. The pink strap-py boots with the tiny purses on the side... shoes she had time to grow in still. Shoes she loved. Now I just hope I can find the same ones and buy another pair for her. *Sigh*
Goodbye shoe...... you will be missed.
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