Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Coughs

The kids are still sick. They've been struck with a case of "The Coughs". Thankfully they're not bedridden, throwing up or fevered down. Just 'The Coughs" and some runny noses.

However, it's been weeks and they're still coughing. They take the medicine alright. But I have to take a few more pre-cautions. It's just been way too long for them to still be burdened with this cough (especially when it wakes them out of their slumber late at night).

So from now on, no more dairy. It causes mucous and irritates the stomach even more when you have a cold.

No more playing outside until dark. It's winter now and their little behinds must be kept indoors. And they must ALWAYS wear a sweater/jacket while outside.

I know if we were back in Boston, they would have no choice but to be kept indoors. But here in CR it's just that much harder. And living RIGHT next door to my in laws doesn't help. My kids prefer to be there than here, at home, any day of the week. So keeping them inside is a feat in itself.

Also, they must eat better. My kids nit pick and snack all day long IF you let them. It's a struggle to get Princess to eat much in the mornings, yet an hour later at playgroup she claims she is 'hungry' and wants a snack.

Fatty is my eater, but even he is becoming a picky eater at times. I just have to take better care of them. They are my precious miracles and I hate when they're sick. I am thankful they're not THAT sick, but I don't want them to get any worse, so drastic measures are in order. Starting right now. They're NOT going to like it (not one bit).

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