This time, it was just the Princess and I. Hubby took the boys for an overnight boys night out or in.
Seeing how much Princess LOVES Dora I just had to take her. Tickets were (for regular entrance) c11.000 colones plus C1.000 colones for the service (what ever the hell that means). So I spent my $44 and bided my time until the day finally came.
I woke up early this am, around 6 am (I had set my alarm for 5:30 but sneaked in an extra half hour). I wanted to make sure I was ready and set on time so we wouldn't be late.
We left the house around 8:30 and caught the bus to Heredia (well to San Jose) soon after. The bus from San Jose to Heredia took us literally a few feet from the Palacio de Deportes entrance, where we waited just a little over half an hour to get in (not a bad wait time).
It wasn't as packed as the first time we went, which was nice. But there was still an enormous amount of people in attendance.
Now beware. If you plan on attending an event at the Palacio, the guards are strict. They wanted me to throw out my brand new unopened bottle of Tropical Te Frio as they allow no outside drinks, food or snacks inside the stadium. A little white lie got me to hold on to my items though. They also told patrons to NOT take pictures. @@ (those are eye rolls).
Like, yeah right. I am going to bring my daughter to an event like Dora live and NOT take pictures. Of course NO ONE obeyed those rules and soon after the guards just gave up (like the last time at Disney Live) and allowed people to snap away. I was able to then finally get some good shots and video. They had tickets on sale for people to purchase; tickets of a photo of your kid with Dora and Diego. The photo cost c6.000 colones. I can think of at least 50 other worthwhile things I can spend $12 on besides one photo. I was happy with the ones I took with my camera, thanks very much.
The show was fun and Princess had fun. Though I must say I had more of a blast at Disney Live. There was just more to see at that other show. And while Dora was fun to watch and the kids got to participate, it was just more of the same and did get a little blah at times. At certain points in the show, the audience was louder than the characters. I do still give it 2 thumbs up for the younger set though, but only maybe 3.5 stars out of 5. I think Boobie would have been bored if he'd come along with us. I even saw a few people leaving before the show was over.
Oh well, money and a Sunday morning (we caught the 11 am show which started at 11:15) well spent, in my opinion.
Enjoy the pictures:
On our way!
Waiting in line. And boy was it hot. Thankfully I had an umbrella I used to block the sun's powerful rays.
The show has begun!
Tico, Boots, Benny the bull and Isa the Iguana.
And Dora joins the gang.
Come on vamanos.
Hey, it's Back pack and map. (Is it me, or does Back pack look a little evil... LOL)
Swiper trying to swipe something.
Princess enjoying the show.
Diego finally came out to join the party.
The City of lost Toys
Show's over. See ya!
Singing to the song.
Dancing to the beat.
Yay. She had fun.
1 comment:
Lovely blog! The show is very entertaining and cute, and the girl bonding with your daughter is a very nice idea!
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