He has not gotten any notes home of complaint in a LONG time which is a sign of vast improvement in his behavior.
He has been doing his work and doing a good job too.
He's been listening in class and at home.
He didn't turn into the perfect child over night as he still has a long ways to go and a lot of work to do. But I have to tell ya... I am liking the (semi) new Boobie.
I like not being scared to open up his books at the end of day, worried what I might see from his teachers. I like knowing that he's doing his work and passing his exams. It's a good sign. And I have confidence now that come report card time I won't be too embarrassed to receive his 1st trimester grades.
This is a project he did for Social Studies. It's a model of Costa Rica. He got 100!
He got 100 on his Science test. The first 100 in ages. And he was only 1 of 3 students that got 100!!!
I am so proud of you Boobie. Keep up the great work.
Oh and I owe him c1.000 colones. For every good grade he gets (above 80), he gets c1.000. He stopped getting an allowance because I just didn't see the point in rewarding him for his bad behavior (and grades). So now he has to earn money by doing good in school and at home. I don't pay for chores as that is a given and something he HAS to do.
This method seems to be working out great. He wants to earn his own money, he has to do well and work hard at his job, which is school. I hope when he gets his report card I'll be shelling out money left and right for all the good grades he got. LOL
Tell me some of your methods to get your kids to do well in school.
1 comment:
Great science project, Boobie! Congrats on the improvements and keep up the good work! I can see that mom is proud of you! And the rest of the world is keeping up with you and all you accomplish!
Good going, Mom! It was indeed a Happy Mother's Day for you!
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