Princes had her first ever visit to the eye doctor and boy was I nervous. More so than she was. She wasn't nervous at all actually.
It's been a while now that we've been meaning to take Princess to get her eyes checked. We noticed that her eyes bothered her on occasion and so we figured she would most likely need glasses or an eye patch or drops or something. I was expecting the worse news, that's probably why I was nervous.
But all is well. Her eyes are healthy. She can see!!!
She did such an amazing job. She hopped up in the chair, spoke clearly, answered the doctor's questions without hesitations (and in fluent Spanish) and was a brave little girl through and through.
She did such a wonderful job, the doctor had a hard time believing she was just 3.
The exam was quick and I was pleased to hear the doctor tell me that Princess's eye are healthy. She does have an allergy though. She has sensitive eyes and her eyes are allergic to too much sun, wind and dust, so they get irritated easily. So when we go out, I have to protect her eyes from the sun with a sun visor or hat and to put sunglasses on her when it's windy out. Also if her eyes get too irritated, to put a cold water compress (cloth/Kleenex/cotton) on her eyes for 2 minutes at a time.
She was also prescribed anti allergy drops to be used 2 times a day ONLY WHEN NECESSARY.
After the exam... my brave little Princess.
Photo op with the doc (he added the funny glasses).
On our way home from the appointment. What a day.
1 comment:
She is such a cutie pie! I bet you can't resist squeezing and loving her! Reminds me of my girls when they were that age! Hmmm...Sweet thoughts!
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