Monday, October 26, 2009

The Destroyers

My kids are so destructive. Photo frames and photo albums I have had since Boobie was a baby have since been broken to pieces or ripped apart. Some more than 8 years old, now no longer exist or are tattered and mangled.

Books I got Princess have been trashed due to her nonchalant, care less attitude towards them. Plants have felt both of my kids' wrath... just the other day, Fatty grabbed a stem of one of my house plants, leaving it broken and sad. I never had this much trouble with Boobie destroying things. Almost everything fragile was kept out of his reach and we didn't have houseplants when he was a baby (of course it was easier back then since we shared a room.... now we have a whole house).

These two new additions to the family like destruction. A pair of crocs Princess had since she learned to walk were Fatty's latest victims. He decided he would take a bite out of the decorative sun on the shoes, biting it all the way off. And to follow suit, Princess thought it would be helpful if she ripped off a piece of both butterflies on each shoe. Many hopes I had for passing down certain items are now dashed due to Fatty and Princess.

A careful and watchful eye needs to be on them at all times or else who knows what else they might destroy. They are kind of like puppies... VERY cute and lovable but not yet housebroken. LOL.

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