Yes, it's that time again... the once a year fun fest of dressing up like a scary character or your favorite celebrity or cartoon, and getting tons of free candy. Although, if you live in Costa Rica, Halloween is a bit more subdued. No trick or treating here (unless you live in a Gringo neighborhood).
The past 2 years I hosted a party for the kids. This year, I just had to pass (I wasn't even in the mood, really, to decorate... as seen above, my sparse, last minute Halloween decor). But I still wanted my kids to have some Halloween fun, so I dressed them in their costumes and we headed to the mall.
Let me say, although not the big to-do it is in the states, the mall was a ton of fun. Stores really go overboard with the decorating, getting into the Halloween spirit. Adults seem to enjoy the holiday here just as much as, if not more than, the kids, it seems; to reiterate this point, there were a lot of costumes for adults. Not to mention a whole bunch of Halloween parties for adults this week. I thought my kids would be the only ones dressed up, but there were quite a few kids dressed in costumes as well, and nice ones too.
There was a pirate wench, a ballerina, a butterfly (I am thinking barbie inspired), a few witches, Superman, a bunny, a lion, and so many others. I was tickled to see it all. And happy that others here (and not just North Americans) share my love for Halloween as well. We weren't the odd balls. Let the kids have fun, it's a Saturday and it's Halloween.... I was happy to see that other parents went the extra mile to do something on this special of days. Plus, others were pleased to see all the kids in their splendor.
Now, as for my kids. I didn't spend a pretty penny on their costumes but they sure did look cute. It took me a while to find Princess's and Fatty's costumes (I bought them yesterday, just in the nick of time). I just refused to spend $60 on a costume that they would only wear once, maybe twice. Not worth it... plus since we don't go trick or treating, I don't see the point. But today, I did feel that old happy feeling again; it was nice to see other parents like me, willing to do we what we must in order to give our kids wonderful childhood memories, even if it means buying useless costumes. And I saw that other parents put a lot of thought into their kid's costumes, giving me the incentive to do the same next year.
So what were my kids this year? Princess was all kinds of cute dressed as an Hawaiian girl. Fatty was Goku for Dragon BallZ and Boobie decided to go as Ben 10. We had so much fun. We shopped, we ate and we walked the mall. The kids (Princess and Boobie) even had a go in the moon bounce, although Princess was tackled by some little boy as she was about to get out, leaving her nose bloody. She was pissed, but the promise of chocolate got her feeling all better.
Hawaiian Girl
Hawaiian girl and Goku
Hawaiian girl and Ben 10
HG and Goku
HG and Ben 10... showing off his alien force watch
Sharing an ice-cream cone
My three little Halloween munchkins
After ice-cream and a little more shopping, we headed home. It was, in my opinion, a great Halloween.
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