I know it sounds a little 'snippy', but it's true. Would I be on the bus if I was rocking a $200 purse? Nope. Granted, a purse is way less money than a car... but if you have that much extra dough available for a bag, shouldn't you have the sense to save up your extras for a vehicle? Makes sense to me. It's just my plain old opinion, of course... you shouldn't be taking the bus if you have a purse that's worth more than your rent.
Of course, if you are rocking a faux designer purse (or shoes or clothes or anything), rock it like there's no tomorrow. After all, who said you still can't be fashionable if you can't afford the big names.
Costa Rica is full of fashion forward fashionistas. Girls that look as if they stepped right off the pages of a magazine. What's hot in CR this season:
Ballet flats.
Not just for ballet classes, just about everybody has ballet 'slippers'. In every different style and color. Not only are they practical (imagine walking around San Jose in wedges), they are also cute. I have been searching for the perfect pair for me.
Cell phones.
Yes, everybody and their mamas (literally) has a cell phone. And the more fancy and expensive the phone, the more you want to pull it out and show it off.. just so people can envy you. Yeah! Please... I don't need you to pull out your phone for the 50th time just to look at it. I get it, you have a nice phone, lets move on.
Over sized handbags/totes/purses.
Not just for fashion. These giant sized bags, big enough to hold your whole life and have room to spare, are a welcome breath of fresh air in contrast to the tiny cute little purses of yester-year. For the woman who not only wants to carry around a tube of lipstick and a tube of mascara, but would also like to have a change of clothes, a jacket just in case, and maybe a change of shoes. Plus, they are a great substitute for the 'cutesy tootsy' diaper bags that are quickly being left by the way-side in favor of bigger, more fashionable bags. They can hold a ton of baby gear, plus a little extra for mom too. And mom not only looks trendy, but savvy.
Belted blouses.
These are really cute... and really only for the small waisted of us. Though I do have a shirt that is belted, I have only worn it once... not trying to advertise my pooch you know. These shirts are so elegant looking, even in casual material, they make an outfit look so much more.
Have these ever gone out of style? However, these are not your grand-mama's heels ladies. The heels of today are sleeker, sexier and just so much prettier to look at. Plus too, they are so hot, they make any outfit, jeans or a dress, come alive.
Fashion jewelry.
I have never seen more women wear fashion jewelry than the women of CR. Maybe because of the fact that well, gold jewelry is so darn expensive here. Fashion jewelry is so much cheaper, plus you can get earrings, necklaces and bangles to match just about any outfit. How cool is that?
Are you heading out? Make sure you've got your shades. Not just to keep the sun out of your eyes, they are a fashion statement as well. But you already knew that.
Cute sandals.
Not just any old regular flip flop sandal. They have so many styles to choose from now-a-days, it can make your head spin. They have the 'Native American' inspired sandals with the shredded leather. They have the sexy flip flop type sandal with a high back that wraps around your ankle. They have the sandals that strap all the way up your calf. You can dress them up (with a nice summer dress or jeans and a belted blouse) or you can dress them down (in cut-offs or a mini-skirt). I have a few... well, only one if you don't count my fancy black Air Walk flip flops with the yellow flowers adorning the top. I wear them more then my boots and wedges because they are so damn comfy.
Of course, the thing that is always fashion forward and that a lot of CR women tend to have, is confidence. Never leave home without it. It's something that is always in season.
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