The favors I put in the favor boxes, along with a truck load of candy supplied by the museum.
A photo bookmark, balloon whistles, bubbles and mini maracas.
A closer look at the goody boxes with a nice Mickey Mouse head shape attached to a toothpick and tied with a blue ribbon with a poem written on it, along with the party's date.
Opening gifts at home... he made out like a bandit with a ton of clothes. No need to go clothes shopping for a whole year!
On the drive home from the party... he was 'pooped'.
Playing on the swing set at the museum.
Mommy and birthday boy
Having a good 'ole time at the mock supermarket exhibit in the museum.
Playing outside at the museum.
Birthday boy in his birthday crown.
Signing the HUGE birthday card... Thanks Joe for doing the awesome design on the front for us... it looked GREAT!!!
After the pinata... checking to make sure they got enough candy. : )
And one of the Princess, with her 'bowfly' face paint.
Breaking the pinata.
Wow... mucho ninos! All the kids waiting for their turn at the pinata and the candy.
Birthday boy posing for one pinata shot before taking a few hits. Don't you just love the pinata... how very cute.
Handing out bags for even more candy... I guess the mountain of candy they each get in the goody boxes just aren't enough.
A nice family picture. Awwwwwwwwww!
Me and my 3 kiddos and the man of my dreams...
Playing games
The birthday spot. I love it here... what a great place for a party.
Eating lunch... a slice and Hi C. Yum! Check out the little tables.
Playing more games... they had some pretty cool prizes.
Say cheese... not!
The museum tour.
That's how long your intestines are..... geez! Informational tour.
All the party people say "hey"!
The face painting station. Now if I had to do it over again, I would NOT hire a face painter for the party. There was already so much for the kids to do.. she really wasn't needed. Although a welcome treat for the kids, I thought she did a mediocre job... not what I was expecting. Plus her station was set up way in the back, almost out of sight. I didn't even notice her there until a good hour into the party. Luckily the kids weren't as clueless as I was and found their way to her pretty easily and quickly. But I could have saved c16.000 colones or roughly$27 dollars. I should have listened to hubby. Oh well, the excitement of Princess finally getting her 'bowfly' was worth it. I guess.
The table they set up with popcorn for each child as they arrived and to place gifts on... it also held the pinata.
I snapped this pic to show off the moon bounce. Yes... they include a moon bounce with the party! How cool. I finally had a moon bounce at one of my kids' parties. I was very excited about this. And the kids LOVED it.
The cake... I loved it. I have only done one other photo cake, and that was for Boobie's 2nd birthday. No other birthday party I have been to here has done a photo cake... I felt so innovative. LOL.
The cake and goody boxes table.
And a pic of mommy and the birthday boy, again. I love my Fatty.
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