Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watch Me Go

I have decided to get off my ass and use my jogging stroller for it's intended purpose: jogging.

I started yesterday and plan on jogging (with the kids safely strapped in the stroller) at least 3 times a week to start. I thought it would be so difficult. But after I stopped making excuses, put my mind to it, it wasn't so bad. Not as hard as I thought it would be.

I went jogging again today, a little more prepared in my exercise pants and a bottle of water tucked underneath the stroller. It felt good. It was another nice day; one of those cloudy over cast, yet bright days with a mild breeze. Perfect for a jog.

In my mind, I always thought jogging was a feat I would not be able to accomplish. I figured it would take me a few months of power walking to work my way up to jogging; I had no idea I could start jogging right from the start. I'm still a beginner so I pace myself. I don't want any injuries or to run myself ragged. But it's so much fun. I love to walk, but I think I like jogging even better.

I have no idea how long this will last, but I hope I stick with it. I might even brave a jog without the stroller one day. And I may just add a yoga, aerobic, or dance class to my routine later on (especially on those days when a jog is out of the question).

All it took for me to start was for me to put my mind on me, my health and my well being. As everyone knows, the hardest part of getting into an exercise routine is the beginning. It's hard to get started initially, but once you're off, it's all up hill from there. And starting anything new is always a challenge but can be exciting as well. The trick is to keep it exciting and challenging so I never get bored.

So why jogging? Well, it's free and fairly easy. Plus it will get me toned. I was none too happy with my body. And all the while, I was telling myself I needed to do something, but I wasn't doing a damn thing. I think I expected the pounds to magically disappear. Well that ain't gonna happen, not this time around. I'm used to having a fit body so all the flab bothers me.

I didn't want to end up like those girls who seem happy with their bodies, even though they really should try harder to trim down a little (and I know you should be proud of your body, but a swelling belly is NOT healthy unless you are pregnant, sorry).

I remember when I first moved to Costa Rica, I noticed a quiet a few of the women had what we endearingly call the "muffin top", a term coined to describe how a woman's mid section flaps over her jeans to give her that 'muffin spilling over it's baking pan' look. Not attractive. Yet these ladies flaunted their muffin middles like it was a fashion statement.

Now, if your midsection is so, um, er, 'puffy', would you wear jeans so tight that it bulges you in all the wrong places. And then why oh why, would you make it worse by wearing a belly bearing shirt???? I knew I didn't want to look like that. Plus, the health benefits of exercise can't be denied. I am 29 years old. Do I want to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or risk getting diabetes? HELL NO!

I do see a lot of Costa Ricans taking the fit path, jogging, running, biking and working out at the gyms (CR has a lot of gyms). Most of these people are already in pretty good physical condition, from the looks of it. My guess is they do it for health more so than for keeping their weight down, or maybe both. But these people inspire me. If they can do it, why can't I. I don't need a gym (although gym memberships are pretty cheap). All I need is determination and drive.

So after months of excuses, the want tos, should haves and wishes, I am off to a good start. Two days in a row and I feel the difference already. I look forward to my next run. Not to mention I am trying to eat more sensibly, most notably, not eating meals after 7 pm. This is gonna be a bit tougher to break but I know I can do it.

In about a month, I hope to be slimmer, trimmer, healthier and more content with my body and myself. Not looking for impossible miracles, just taking it one day at a time. Wish me luck.

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