Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Here A Blog, There A Blog, Everywhere A Blog Blog

There are so many blogs out there, it's downright difficult to choose which one to 'follow' and stick with. It's like too many cooks in the kitchen and you have no clue (until you taste) which one will be the best.

I guess just like me, moms across the board (world), have decided to fill whatever free time they have to spare, to become 'bloggers'. Practically every mommy on the block who has aspirations of becoming a writer, thinks they can write or just plain likes to write, has put pen to paper, er, I mean, fingers to keyboard and started clacking away at their very own blogs.

So why did I decide to start a blog (to be among the gazillions that already exist)? Because I LOVE to write and now I have a world stage to showcase my 'talents'. To me, blogging is just an extension of my journal. Basically jotting down my thoughts or various goings on in my everyday life. Unlike my journal, however, a blog invites people into your world to read some (sometimes very private) things that you've poured out onto the computer screen.

I'm a writer, so this was the next natural step, right? After all, I have had a journal ever since I can remember. All throughout my preteen, teen and young adult years, it's been my sanity device. Having all those thoughts just cooped up in my head would not do... lest my head explode. So I needed an outlet...someplace to put everything. And the chance that people would read it and GET me!

As most aspiring writers will tell you, any sort of writing just helps their craft. So although this blog is fun to write, it's also a tool for practice and refining my art. Though I may fantasize about becoming a famous blogger (as I am sure a lot of bloggers do) I think it might be a hard task.

With so many blogs at the ready, how do you sift through the very good to the very bad, and even the down right 'fugly' to the ones in between? Is my life interesting enough for people to WANT to read about it? Who am I and what do I bring to the blogging world that is any different from the rest of them? Am I memorable? Do I stand out enough? And just how do you separate yourself from the 'rest of them' to stand out as an individual... distinct from the rest? Well, how the hell should I know.

You kinda just hope people like your style. I've heard of other bloggers, about how funny they are. How well they write. And how good they are, especially about putting themselves out there. I also notice that they have a large following. If they wrote a book tomorrow, their followers (not a bad thing to be when it comes to the blogging world) would probably go out and buy it.... so a good blog can be a very good thing. So what makes a blog any good ?

To answer this, there are questions one must ask themself, especially a first time blogger like myself. How much information do I share? Too much and people might get turned off, too little and people might lose interest. Do you post pictures, names, specific locations... it is after all the internet and one must be cautious. But a blog filled with pictures to relate the story can be a hit... people like to see who they are reading about. Is it the writing style or technique that makes one blog soar above the rest.... should one write as if they were talking to their best friend or turning in an English paper to their professor? Do blogs with a more personable approach stand out or will a more icy but hilarious standpoint reach out to the masses?

Since blog success is still a mystery to me (who knows why people choose to follow certain blogs and not others), I'll just keep fine-tuning my writing skills in hopes of attracting some attention. No blogger wants to be overlooked and get lost in the shuffle. I won't boo-hoo if I don't attract a following... after all it's not like I'm out there posting the link to my blog for the world to see (I'm still a little shy). But for now, I'll just save the fantasies of fame for when I write my book.

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