Sunday, June 7, 2009

Is Today Over Yet?

I am so exhausted. It never fails... the day to day life of a stay at home mother with three VERY active kids.

A typical day: Kids get up. They take baths. They eat breakfast. Play time, TV time, followed soon after by nap time (hopefully). If I'm lucky, they'll nap for a total of 1 consecutive hour.... Princess tends to nap longer. If I am REALLY lucky, I get to nap with them. But that's a RARE treat as I still have 'things' to do.... so I don't get many moments to myself to just relax.

I do my household chores, feed the kids lunch, let the kids play outdoors if it's nice (in hopes they'll tire themselves out). Inevitably, they get cranky and start to cry. I do more chores, start dinner, listen to the kids cry some more, watch them fight (I guess they need to let off some steam *shrug*). I feed them dinner, we watch TV, then it's bedtime. Only to have to do it all over again the next day.

To top it off, Fatty was sick. I woke up to him throwing up while I had him tucked nicely in my fold, happily at the breast. Nice, huh? I had to change the sheets as he pretty much soaked them with puke. Had to change my night gown as he soaked that with puke too. He was cranky all day. And he would not eat much, except for a few bites of Gerber here and there and a couple spoonfuls of rice.

Then just when I thought we could settle down for the evening and watch some 'good for killing your braincells' reality tv, he threw up again... but this time enough to full a small sized bucket. It went everywhere. I had to change his clothes, my clothes and bust out the mop. I think my wicker couch still has a few remnants of puke stuck inside the weaved cracks (remind me when I re-model to not have wicker in my living room). I was tired down to my bones.

Of course not to be left out of the loop, Princess decided she was going to drink juice from my cup and spill the whole damn thing on the floor. Had to bust out the mop again. Accidents happen, especially when you have kids.... and I usually shrug them it, not making too big a deal out of it But I was so threw for the day I just about lost it.


There are no do-overs. You can't re-wind the clocks in hopes of having a perfect day this time. Thankfully, there is another day with the chance of starting fresh. And I can only hope tomorrow goes a WHOLE LOT better.

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